Friday, October 11, 2013

Types Of Contrast

Strong Contrast
This piece of ceramic has a strong contrast because the red and the black are very bright and opposite . Your eyes jump from the two different colors due to the fact that they are such opposites and contrasting.

Subtle Contrast
These pieces of ceramic have a very subtle contrast because the colors fade into each other making a smooth transition and interesting view to the eyes.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Forms of Balance

Symmetrical Balance
Symmetrical balance is when  there is a near or exact matching of left and right sides of a three-dimensional form or a two-dimensional composition. This piece is exactly the same on all sides, I think that the design is also very interesting.

Asymmetrical Balance
This means that  the placement of non-identical forms to either side of a balancing point in such a way that the two sides seem to be of the same visual weight. This piece is not identical however, it sis asymmetrical.

Radial Balance
This is when the balance as the result of components that are distributed around a center point or spring out from a central line. In this piece, the ceramic has a center point and the designs go out word from this point in a organized fashion.